Thursday, 16 October 2014

Week 15

Meet the supervisor for further discussion and discuss more detail about this project .Firstly need to design circuit that involve in this project such as max232 and demux 74138N circuit.  
The correct component is essential to ensure the system working.


DEMUX 74318

Monday, 12 May 2014

Week 14


The blog and proposal must be submit  After 14 weeks research and study the operation and components about the GSM based on advertisement display board project.The proposal is written to propose our ideas to the supervisor and FYP committee and to ensure all activity have been recorded, so can refer if a problem will be appears.The purpose of the blog is to records activities that have been done from week 1 until week 14.From blog and proposal can document the work that have been planned and work that have done.


Work plan is commonly used in project management, is one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time. On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each activity is represented from semester 1 and semester 2 by a bar, the position and length of the bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity.



Monday, 5 May 2014

Week 13


Generally the LED Scrolled Message can be implemented with many different logics. Out of two are very famous is:

  • LED moving message display board design using decade counters
  • LED moving message display board design using shift registers

So I am implementing LED moving display using shift registers.LED Scrolling Display can be implemented by using any microcontroller like 8051, PIC and AVR controllers.

Before going for LED Dot Matrix, generally the LEDs are two types:

  • High power LEDs
  • Miniature LEDs

High power LEDs are very costly, so in this project we will use miniature type of LEDs. Basically the standard RED color LED requires 2-3V to ON. But to glow the LEDs brightly enough, it require 20mA current to flow.

To construct an array using 8 LEDs firstly the entire cathodes are connected together and should be grounded. Each LED anode is driven by manual switches or by microcontroller. The microcontroller is programmed to generate different patterns on these LEDs. The individual LED current is summed up and a large current flow into the ground terminal. If each LED takes 20mA current, therefore eight LEDs current = 8*20mA. A total of 160mA current sinks into the ground terminal.

By using single array of LEDs we can generate different type of patterns. If we arrange the LED arrays side by side with multiplexing technique, it is also possible to generate letters, symbols, numbers, pictures, animations also. The LED Dot Matrix can be constructed by connecting all the anode terminals of LED’s together in each row and all the cathode terminals are joined together in each column.

An 8x8 LED matrix construction is shown in figure below:

Common-row anode                                    common-row cathode

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Week 12

                         MICROCONTROLLER 16F1938

The PIC16F1938 has an internal Low Dropout Regulator (LDO) which provides operation above 3.6V.The LDO regulates a voltage for the internal device logic while permitting the VDD and I/O pins to operate at a higher voltage. There is no user enable/disable control available for the LDO, it is always active. The PIC16LF1938 operates at a maximum VDD of 3.6V and does not incorporate an LDO. A device I/O pin may be configured as the LDO voltage output, identified as the VCAP pin. Although not required, an external low-ESR capacitor may be connected to the VCAP pin for additional regulator stability


 High-Performance RISC CPU:

• Only 49 Instructions to Learn:
- All single-cycle instructions except branches
• Operating Speed:
- DC – 32 MHz oscillator/clock input
- DC – 125 ns instruction cycle
• Up to 16K x 14 Words of Flash Program Memory
• Up to 1024 Bytes of Data Memory (RAM)
• Interrupt Capability with automatic context saving
• 16-Level Deep Hardware Stack
• Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
• Processor Read Access to Program Memory
• Pinout Compatible to other 28/40-pin PIC16CXXX
and PIC16FXXX Microcontrollers

Special Microcontroller Features:

• Precision Internal Oscillator:
- Factory calibrated to ±1%, typical
- Software selectable frequency range from
  32 MHz to 31 kHz
• Power-Saving Sleep mode
• Power-on Reset (POR)
• Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up
   Timer (OST)
• Brown-out Reset (BOR):
- Selectable between two trip points
- Disable in Sleep option
• Multiplexed Master Clear with Pull-up/Input Pin
• Programmable Code Protection
• Wide Operating Voltage Range:
- 1.8V-5.5V (PIC16F193X)
- 1.8V-3.6V (PIC16LF193X)

PIC16LF193X Low-Power Features:

• Standby Current:
- 60 nA @ 1.8V, typical
• Operating Current:
- 43A/MHz @ 1.8V, typical
• Timer1 Oscillator Current:
- 600 nA @ 32 kHz, 1.8V, typical
• Low-Power Watchdog Timer Current:
- 500 nA @ 1.8V, typical

Peripheral Features:

• Up to 35 I/O Pins and 1 Input-only pin:
- High-current source/sink for direct LED drive
- Individually programmable Interrupt-on-pin
change pins
- Individually programmable weak pull-ups
• Integrated LCD Controller:
- Up to 96 segments
- Variable clock input
- Contrast control
- Internal voltage reference selections
• Capacitive Sensing module (mTouchTM):
- Up to 16 selectable channels
• A/D Converter:
- 10-bit resolution and up to 14 channels
- Selectable 1.024/2.048/4.096V voltage
• Timer0: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit
   Programmable Prescaler
• Enhanced Timer1:
- Dedicated low-power 32 kHz oscillator driver
- 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
- External Gate Input mode with toggle and
single-shot modes
- Interrupt-on-gate completion
• Timer2, 4, 6: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit Period
Register, Prescaler and Postscaler
• Two Capture, Compare, PWM Modules (CCP):
- 16-bit Capture, max. resolution 125 ns
- 16-bit Compare, max. resolution 125 ns
- 10-bit PWM, max. frequency 31.25 kHz
• Three Enhanced Capture, Compare, PWM
  modules (ECCP):
- 3 PWM time-base options
- Auto-shutdown and auto-restart
- PWM steering
- Programmable Dead-band Delay

Monday, 21 April 2014

Week 11


    GSM modem is specialized type of modem that operates over subscription based wireless networks which is similar to a mobile phone. A GSM modem accepts a SIM card, and basically acts like a mobile phone for the computer. Traditional modem is attached to computers for ‘dial-up’ to connect with other computer systems. A GSM modem operates in a similar fashion, except that it sends and receives data through radio waves rather than a telephone line.

Besides the dial-up connection, GSM modem can also be used for sending and receiving SMS which is also one of the key features of GSM modem. Some of the features of this GSM Modem are as follow:

· RS-232 Interface

· Tri-Band: GSM900, GSM1800 and GSM1900

· Support TCP/IP

· Support standard extended open AT commands

· Support GPRS class 10

· Accept supply voltage from 5 to 12V

· Support PDU and Text mode for SMS

Example GSM Rs-232 modem

Monday, 14 April 2014

Week 10


DATE = 18 April 2014

TIME = 12.01pm until 5.00pm
                             MADAM NOOR AMALINA BT RAMLI

Done for presentation today. ALHAMDULILLAH

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Week 9


Now the technology becomes fast growth. All the technology is for easily to people to do something or work. The GSM based on advertisement board is another one technology that makes the people easily their work and save their time. The advantage for this project is user friendly. That is because the messages are only to be typed on a mobile which in turn are displayed wirelessly on the advertisement board.

In addition, this project is a one Green Technology product. Green Technology is the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources, which minimize and reduces the negative impact of human activities. Before this project is use a lot of paper to advertise products but since this project that eliminates use of printers. Since we do not use papers to display information and printers are also of no use in this system.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Week 8


A flowchart is a diagram that describes a process or operation. It includes multiple steps, which the process "flows" through from start to finish. Common uses for flowcharts include developing business plans, defining troubleshooting steps, and designing mathematical algorithms. Some flowcharts may only include a few steps, while others can be highly complex, containing hundreds of possible outcomes.

Flowcharts are a methodology used to analyze, improve, document and manage a process or program. Flowcharts are helpful for:

1.    Aiding understanding of relationships among different process steps
2.    Collecting data about a particular process
3.    Helping with decision making
4.    Measuring the performance of a process
5.    Depicting the structure of a process
6.    Tracking the process flow
7.    Highlighting important steps and eliminating the unnecessary steps



Firstly there need to initialized the all port that used in this project like GSM, MAX232 and PIC port. After that the users sent the command to GSM Modem and store the message into simcard. PIC receives the message from GSM modem and this operation will check whether that is a new message or old message. If there receive the old message there return to top until there receive a new message. Lastly when there check this is a new message instantly there will display to the advertisement board.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Week 7


Research about the block diagram and required components for this project. Lastly, this block diagram is approved by Sir Suhaimi. The component for this GSM Based Advertisement Display Board project is Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), PIC16F877A and Led Display 48x8 dot matrix.

Blog Diagram definition :

Composition of different shapes and lines showing how the components of a program, process, or system are related to, and depend upon, one another. It may also show how the system operates, what are its inputs and outputs at various stages, and how the energy, information, and/or materials flow through it.

The function of GSM is to receive and transfer the message from user. When the users send the message, the GSM keep store the message into simcard. This communication between user and GSM is used AT command. After that, the message transfer to PIC microcontroller. The data cannot send directly from GSM to PIC because to avoid the PIC pin from destroy and the output from distortion. The MAX232 is needed to interface between GSM and PIC because the MAX232 is to convert single 5v to 5v ttl/cmos. Lastly, the PIC executes the message and displays the message into display advertisement board.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Week 6


      Nowadays LED message scrolling displays are becoming very popular for advertisements. These displays are used in shopping malls, theaters, public transportation, traffic signs, and highways signs. The big problem with these displays is to carry a computer or special keyboard for generating and sending messages to LED moving display boards dynamically. Carrying a host computer or special keyboard every time to generate message for LED display boards is big headache and also increase cost and waste their time .So for this project it is using a GSM.This project implements the emerging applications of the GSM technology. Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and control the other devices locally using built-in input and output peripherals. This system allows the user to effectively monitor and control the advertisement board via the mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS. The type of the message to be performed depends on the nature of the SMS sent. 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Week 5


                 Wireless communication has announced its arrival on big stage and the worldis going mobile. The number of people with cell phones is on the rise as we wish to control everything and without moving an inch. This electronic Advertisement Display Board is possible through embedded systems. Various technical arenas in the field of Telecommunication and Embedded Systems have come very near to the common people. The use of embedded system in the communication has given rise to many interesting applications that ensures comfort and safety to human life. Improvements in the Networking technologies have fostered growth of very dense networks. Land line telephones have been becoming less popular and people now prefer communicating while on the move

                 Main function of GSM Based Advertisement Display Board is we can send message to any distant located Advertisement Display Board from any remote area. By interfacing the GSM modem with mobile phone, we can send text message from any remote area.GSM MODEM, SIM, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), microcontroller, power supply and also some connecting wires are the common peripherals required for developing any GSM based applications.

                Our administrator uses a simple GSM based handset for sending messages to different display stations which are located far away from him. The GSM modem used at the receiver end is used to receive the messages and LCD to display them. As we are using mobile for sending messages, it is easy to handle and operate. As it is a wireless transmission the system has very less errors and maintenance. The sent message is stored in the SIM of the modem. By issuing proper AT commands, it is read from the modem and stored in the microcontroller. In order to reduce the current required for the module and to simplify the hardware and wiring necessary to drive the LEDs this design uses Multiplexing.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Week 4


Discuss with Sir Suhaimi whether to submit the logbook or create a blog for final year project (FYP 1). After discussion, we choose to build a blog for easy to Sir Suhaimi monitor every activity during the process of making this project.

At the same time need to research about the block diagram for this GSM Based Advertisement Display Board. Furthermore,need more research how its work and the function for each component.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Week 3


Lastly, registration for the confirmation titled of the Final Year Project Assessment. The titled that has been selected is Development of GSM Based Advertisement Display Board.The function of this project is providing information to the people, promote their products and attract customers. But if the user wants to change the message it needs to be done using a computer and hence the person needs to be present at the location of the display board. GSM based advertisement display board will be used for displaying notices/messages at places that require real-time noticing, by sending messages in the form of SMS through mobile. So it more easier to control because can send the information directly to advertisement display board with a few minutes. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Week 2


Briefing for student taken of Final Year Project at Gemilang Hall for degree FYP1 and diploma students. Registration for the supervisor and confirmation titled of the Final Year Project Assessment should be submitted before week 3. In completing this assessment a few requirement must be followed. A few requirement of this assessment has been highlighted .The rest of the detailed in fulfill the requirement needed can be found at website of FYP Unikl .This website contain when date for presentation, when date for submit logbook and also for the proposal final project. All assignment must submit on time. Lastly, the presentations for degree fyp 1 are in week 10 and submit the logbook in week 13.

Week 1



Look for any supervisor for final year project for this semester in electronic section.I choose Sir Suhaimi Bahisham B Jusoh@Yusoff for my supervisor. He also teaches me Digital Design (DD) for this semester. During this meeting, he gives me some idea or suggestion about the fyp project and also discussed about the title for final year project.